Last month, it was announced that the anticipated titles "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" would be featured in the April 15 issue of CoroCoro Magazine. Many Pokemon fans waited for its release, but according to the new reports, the CoroCoro Magazine was a disappointment.
"Pokemon Sun" And "Pokemon Moon" In CoroCoro Magazine Was A Disappointment
CrossMap reported that the April 15 issue of the CoroCoro Magazine did not treat the "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" fans at all. Instead of giving away real scoop, fans were only presented with an empty box cover. The Pokemon was not included on the cover, only the background.
Serebii first reported about the inclusion of "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" in the CoroCoro Magazine, which was anticipated to include promising content for the anticipated titles. There are speculations that the Corocoro Magazine will include the Pokemon that will be on the cover of "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon." Unfortunately, to the dismay of many, this issue remains a mystery.
"Pokemon Sun" And "Pokemon Moon" Will Be Announced In May
Although the recent CoroCoro magazine did not include a new report for "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon," Neurogadget reported that there's a hint that the box will be featured in the next issue.
According to people who regularly follow the CoroCoro news, the magazine usually specifies, "next issue" if they will be revealing big surprises in their next issue. However, per Joe Merrick, the magazine did not mention next issue, instead, it announced, "The major announcement the world has been waiting for is coming in May!!" Thus, new details about "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" are expected to be revealed by then.
What it actually says is "The major announcement the world has been waiting for is coming in May!!" Take from that what you will.
— Joe Merrick (@JoeMerrick) April 13, 2016
Per the report, the only detail revealed in the "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" magazine issue is the new Pokemon Magearna, a Steel and Fairy-type Pokemon. Magearna will appear in the upcoming Pokemon movie that is due later this year. However, it will make its debut in the games in the anticipated titles "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon."
Are you excited for the May issue of CoroCoro Magazine with more details about "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon"? Are you positive that new details about "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" will be featured in the next issue? Share your thoughts below.