Get an 'O-Shot' to Boost Your Sex Life and Increase Sensitivity

A doctor from the United States claims that he has discovered a solution that will help women sustain their sex drive by boosting their libido, according to the Daily Mail.

Dr. Samuel Wood, an endocrinologist and stem cell scientist says the treatment, also known as the 'O-Shot', boosts sexual satisfaction. The shot involves drawing blood and then separating out the platelets from it. These are then injected into an area near the clitoris and just inside the vagina. As a result, it will help stimulate the growth of new cells in the vagina area, making it even more sensitive. This new treatment was inspired by the Vampire Facelife, developed by O-Shot co-founder, Charles Runels.

Dr. Wood said: "The most common thing I hear is "wow, what an orgasm". During his appearance on the Doctors TV channel he explained: "We don't think the G-spot exists and if it does, it's not a specific physical structure. The O-spot is much closer to the opening of the vagina - that is what we want to enhance with this treatment. He also added that a lot of women - especially those who are older or have had children - find their clitoral sensitivity is reduced - sometimes tremendously.

In a press statement, Dr. Wood said: "The most important factor in the success of this procedure is the correct placement of the injections. When these same growth factors were injected into the putative G-spot, we saw minimal or no improvement in sexual function. But when injected into an area distinct from the traditionally defined G-spot, the response has been surprising, robust and consistent."

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