If you're trying to conceive, then making sure that you cover all factors that will aid in conception is a must. Conceiving isn't only about monitoring your ovulation periods, but it also necessitates you to be mindful of what you eat. There are foods that aid conception, which you must not fail to include in your daily diet.
Quality Proteins
Eating high-quality proteins increases your chances of conceiving. Indeed, studies have shown that couples who encountered fertility problems were made to undergo a high-protein low-carb diet. This helped increase their pregnancy rates.
So if you're wondering how to increase chances of conceiving, better include eggs, white meat poultry and fish in your diet. Beans and legumes will fare well for vegetarians who are trying to conceive.
#Eggs are an egg-cellent source of B vitamins, needed for vital functions in the body including reproduction #ttc
— Natural Fertility (@AndrewLoosely) April 5, 2016
Folic-Acid Rich Foods
While folic acid is often given to pregnant women to help prevent birth defects, it is also necessary for women who are trying to conceive. Being proactive and ensuring that your diet is rich in folic acid now will help increase your chances of conceiving.
Fit Pregnancy said that the ideal amount of folic acid for someone trying to conceive is 400-600 mg. Some of the good sources of folic acid include fortified cereals, fortified whole grains and vegetables.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
Yes, EFAs are a staple when you are trying to conceive, says Parenting. Make sure you pack on EFAs especially when you are nearing ovulation. Look for foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Good sources include fish oil supplements and fish.
Hear this, aside from helping you conceive, Omega-3 fatty acids also preps you up for lovemaking. According to Parenting, fish oil helps in thinning out the blood and increases circulation to the rest of the body parts.
Calcium Rich Foods - Preferably Full-Fat Dairy
When you are trying to conceive, one way you can increase your chances of getting pregnant is to include calcium-rich foods in your diet. Go for full-fat dairy instead of skim milk. Along with protein, your body would need the right amount of calcium during pregnancy.
Incorporating these foods to your diet will help you if you're trying to conceive. The more that you start eating these foods early, the more that you increase chances of conceiving.