Teacher Forced To Resign After Showing Students 'Make Donald Drumpf Again' Segment From 'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver'

A New Jersey teacher's tenure ended for a brief moment when he resigned from his job. The only mistake he made was showing one segment from "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver."

The segment in question was "Make Donald Drumpf Again." This hilarious segment went viral back in February -- the New York Post reported that it has garnered over 24 million views since then -- which must have prompted teacher Joe Ventre to share it with his students.

While students may have enjoyed the short John Oliver clip, not all parents were amused. One parent was quick to complain to the school, resulting to the momentary resignation of Ventre. However, one voice does not overturn the sentiments of many who loved Ventre.

Online Petition Started

Students started #SaveMrVentre-awwww, an online petition that sought the reinstatement of Ventre. Aside from the students, many parents also expressed their support to the teacher.

Some of them showed up at the school board meeting, conveying their disgust at the harsh and short-sighted decision the school had over Ventre. With overwhelming student-parent support, the school decided to take Ventre back. According to Esquire, Ventre also withdrew his resignation after seeing the support he got from the community.

Board Of Education Listened

One parent, Kathi Van Zandt, took the time to write a letter to the members of the Board of Education. She elaborated on the absurdity of the situation where a teacher was forced to resign just because one parent felt offended by the segment shown to the students.

"To lose him, to allow ONE PARENT to make that decision because she was offended at a TV SHOW, is absolutely ludicrous and you know it," said Van Zandt. With the way the school took back Ventre after showing the John Oliver clip, Van Zandt's letter must have made an impression.

With the stir that John Oliver's "Make Donald Drumpf Again" caused, will he react and redeem Ventre on his next show? It's something to possibly look forward to.

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