Child Abuse In Hollywood Is Real: Corey Feldman Backs Elijah Wood Story On Pedophiles

While pedophilia is among parents' worst nightmares, former child actor Corey Feldman spoke up in support of Elijah Wood's comments about the sexual abuse of minors in Hollywood. Although, Elijah Wood clarified that he never personally experienced sexual abuse by pedophiles in Hollywood, Corey Feldman did.

Pedophile Network In Hollywood

Elijah Wood explained that he only saw a documentary on organized pedophilia and child abuse in Hollywood. The facts presented in the documentary left a strong impression on Elijah Wood, who started as a child star in Hollywood.

People reports that Corey Feldman opened up once more about his own experience with pedophiles as a child actor. Along with fellow child actor Corey Haim, Corey Feldman is among those victimized by the organized group of pedophiles in Hollywood.

How Hollywood Pedophiles Escape Justice

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Corey Feldman said at a young age he was molested by several important men in Hollywood. His friend Corey Haim, had the more brutal experience of being raped as an 11-year old.

Corey Feldman never made secret of his trauma among the pedophile network in showbiz. However, Corey Feldman said he is unable to name the Hollywood pedophiles that victimized him and Corey Haims.

Law provisions in California are such that Hollywood pedophiles are essentially protected from exposure. According to Corey Feldman, he would have to face legal consequences were he to come out with the names of the Hollywood pedophiles.

Hollywood Pedophiles May Be On Your Child's Social Network

"We should be talking to the district attorneys and the lawmakers in California, especially because this is where the entertainment industry is and this is a place where adults have more direct and inappropriate connection with children than probably anywhere else in the world," Corey Feldman stated.

Corey Feldman expressed his concern that many of these Hollywood pedophiles may be, even now, contacting kids on social media and offering to make them stars. The former child actor pointed out that social media has given Hollywood pedophiles easier access to new victims.

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