NBA News & Update: Jeremy Lin Expands Business Brand With Brook-Lin?

Fresh off the NBA trade roulette point guard Jeremy Lin, now signed with the Brooklyn Nets, is already looking to expand his off-court brand with the trademark name "Brook-Lin." Currently owner of the rights to "LinSanity," Jeremy Lin is already readying to cash in on his Brooklyn Nets contract with "Brook-Lin."

According to Sportsrageous, "LinSanity" is currently identified with Jeremy Lin with approval from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and is being used on various merchandise. "LinSanity," which reportedly took four years of application and processing, grew out the popularity Jeremy Lin generated from his stint with the New York Knicks, Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Lakers and Charlotte Hornets.

Was Jeremy Lin perhaps anticipating another four-year round of processing for "Brook-Lin," and so seemingly immediately applied for trademark ownership once his Brooklyn Nets move firmed up? Sportsrageous proposes that Jeremy Lin might want to share the trademark with fellow Brooklyn Nets player Brook Lopez.

However, word has yet to be passed if Brook Lopez is as enterprising as Jeremy Lin and would want to venture jointly on "Brook-Lin." The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website reportedly indicates that Jeremy Lin intends "Brook-Lin" to stand as a merchandise brand similar to "LinSanity."

Nets Daily clarifies that a loyal fan registered "Brook-Lin" for Jeremy Lin once the Brooklyn Nets deal was confirmed for the point guard. The fan reportedly transferred the application to Jeremy Lin not too long after.

The said fan did this to avoid a similar situation as Jeremy Lin experienced with "LinSanity." Nets Daily recalls that two business-minded individuals tried to apply for trademark ownership rights to "LinSanity," which is meant to reference Jeremy Lin.

Jeremy Lin countered the application and sought ownership of the "LinSanity" trademark. Although the process took a while, rights to "LinSanity" was eventually awarded to Brooklyn Nets point guard Jeremy Lin.

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