Jack Morrison, also known as Soldier: 76 is an offensive character in "Overwatch" focused on dealing heavy damages in the medium range. As you read along, we will give you some quick information how to kick ass as Soldier: 76 in "Overwatch."
For starters, it's important to know that aside from a heavy damager in, "Overwatch" Soldier: 76 is skilled when it comes to movement due to his speed and agility. Soldier: 76 is best used as a front liner, though he is a dangerous killer, Soldier: 76 acts a support in "Overwatch" arena. Right down below is a quick guide on how to play as an ass kicking Soldier: 76.
Heavy Pulse Rifle as "Overwatch" Soldier: 76's primary weapon, you need to be in a better position to maximize its efficiency. Burst fire is the key instead of automatic firing, with this you can save your bullets and ensure that you are hitting the target consistently, you need to be aware that its damage depends on its range, for about 35 to 40 meters is the best. You might also want to consider killing the long and short range enemies, especially those projectile types to make sure that your team won't be harassed for too long. Since "Overwatch" is a fast pace kind of shooting game, you need to step beyond the enemy lines before they could get you.
Overwatch fans have turned Soldier 76 into a dad: https://t.co/2TlmKtQbHu pic.twitter.com/JsRxtaCP2f
— Kotaku (@Kotaku) July 29, 2016
Biotic Field is a very useful skill of "Overwatch" Soldier: 76's, since it provides a reasonable amount of HP regeneration. All you have to do is to deploy it in the right position, so your allies can also reap its benefits as well. Unlike many other shooting games, in "Overwatch" you can easily die within 2 seconds. Playing as Soldier: 76 in a one-on-one instance is a great advantage, deploy Biotic Field, some sort of strafing and dodging, you can take out your enemy in no time.
"Overwatch" Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor is an Ultimate Skill that is very useful. Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor pulls out a red crosshair and a tiny circle providing hit accuracy that Soldier: 76 can hit "all" the enemy closest to the circle. It is best used when confronting Trace or Gneji. The Tactical Visor only last for a couple of seconds that you might want to keep and use it wisely in order to take out those assuming enemies roaming around the "Overwatch" Battle Arena.
Keep in mind the game focuses on hero balancing, meaning Soldier: 76 cannot kill all the opposing "Overwatch" Heroes with ease, there are certain heroes that will give Soldier: 76 a tough match up such as Mei, Hanzo, Reindhardt and Zenyatta. This game is not an ordinary type of frist person shooter, you need skill, strategy and team work in order to survive inside the "Overwatch" Battlefield.