'Pokemon GO' News Update: 100 New Pokemon Up For Grabs! How To Prepare For It

"Pokemon Go" fans have every reason to get excited. The Generation 2 update of "Pokemon Go" will include many more creatures. In the Generation 1 release of "Pokemon Go," there were 145 Pokemon featured.

"Pokemon Go" Gen 2 was announced at the San Diego Comic-Con by Niantic. It was announced that there are many new Pokemon to be released. The new creatures that are going to be included will include new Pokemon as well as new evolutions of existing characters. So, it is advisable that the players start saving lot of Stardust and Candies.

It is reported that the Gen 2 of "Pokemon Go" will include Crobat, the ultimate evolution of Zubat. In the present generation, Zubat can only evolve into Golbat. To evolve into the new form, it would require 100 Candies. Also, Onix can evolve into the third stage Steelix, with the help of 100 Candies. The Gen 2 "Pokemon Go," Chansey can evolve into Blissey with 100 Candies. At the same time, it involves 50 Candies for Horsea to transform into Kingdra and Scyther to evolve into Scizor. This is same for Porygon to evolve into Porygon2 with 50 Candies. The Porygon-Z, which will be included in Gen 2 "Pokemon Go" will require many Candies, reported iTechPost.

It is also revealed that Gen 2 of "Pokemon Go" will have a chance evolution. Generally, Poliwag generally turns into a Poliwhirl. However, if the rumors of chance evolution are true, Poliwag might turn into Politoed. Similarly, Slowpoke can evolve into Slowking instead of Slowbro like the current generation. In the Gen 2 "Pokemon Go," Eevee has the option to turn into any of the five next-level Pokemon, namely Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Umbreon and Espeon. The latter two are new additions to the game, reported MobiPicker.

Oddish can evolve into Gloom in the Gen 2 "Pokemon Go." Eventually, it can involve into new Pokemon Bellossom for 100 Candies instead of the grass/poison-type Vileplum that it usually turns to.

Niantic has still not revealed whether all the new evolutions will involve new mechanisms or can be done by Candies alone. "Pokemon Go" Gen 2's release date is not yet announced. However, there are rumors that it will be available in 2017.

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