‘Pokémon GO’ News: Master Ball Needed To Catch Ditto & Legendary Pokémon Articuno, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres & Zapdos?

Every "Pokémon GO" trainer yearns for a Ditto and Legendary Pokémon like Articuno, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, and Zapdos. Legendary Pokémon isn't available in the wild yet, but there's belief that it's only a matter of time before trainers can get their hands on them.

There are initial speculations that the Legendary birds and Mew and Mewtwo won't come in "Pokémon GO" after all. But that's highly unlikely given that the mascots of the game's three teams -- Valor, Mystic, and Instinct -- are the firebird Moltres, the ice bird Articuno, and the electric bird Zapdos, respectively.

It's safe to assume that these Legendary birds would pop up soon given how much significance the game put on them. As for Mewtwo, the Psychic-Type Pokémon was spotted in a "Pokémon GO" trailer, so there's a huge chance that the creature will be available soon in an update, VG 24/7 reported.

Hackers claimed that they found a "Pokémon GO" source code indicating that Niantic is adding codes for Legendary Pokémon and other features. According to Pokémon GO Hub, hackers found a single code bearing the words "activity_catch_legend_Pokémon."

They believe that getting Legendary Pokémon will be different from catching ordinary Pokémon. Some "Pokémon GO" trainers are speculating that a Master Ball is needed to catch Legendary Pokémon.

A Master Ball is a huge improvement from other PokéBalls in "Pokémon GO." According to RankedBoost, a Master Ball has a 100 percent Capture and Hit Rate even if you miss the Pokémon you're catching. The PokéBall, however, isn't available yet. Perhaps it would come alongside the Legendary Pokémon in Niantic's update.

But how about Ditto? The creature isn't a Legendary Pokémon, but it's a highly coveted addition to a trainer's Pokédex due to its special and unique characteristics. The Normal-Type Pokémon is a master of imitation, allowing it to morph into the appearance of whatever Pokémon it's facing.

Some "Pokémon GO" trainers believe that ordinary Pokémon currently out in the wild could be Ditto in disguise, and its real identity would be revealed by an event later on in the game. Quora, however, reported that this isn't the case.

A "Pokémon GO" source code doesn't indicate that Ditto has transformed into another Pokémon, but it addresses the creature's most notable ability, saying that the Pokémon "reorganizes its cell structure to change itself into other shapes." Stay tuned to Parent Herald for more "Pokémon GO" news, updates, tips, and tricks.

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