'Clash of Clans' September Update To Compete With 'Pokemon GO'?

"Clash of Clans" will be having a major update that will change the way fans see and experience the game this September. Reports are indicating that the latest update for "Clash of Clans" is because of the decline of users from the past couple of months.

With the release of "Pokemon GO" last July, a large decline of users for "Clash of Clans" were seen. Players were mostly complaining about the lack of innovative gameplay for the mobile app but this time, developers listened and are now mostly concentrating on introducing innovative gameplay which may create significant changes to "Clash of Clans."

Supercell is planning a way to compete against "Pokemon GO" according to rumors. While there is no news yet, on how "Clash of Clans" would be able to level the playing field against the number one mobile app this time but Supercell is now preparing for the upcoming updates with the use of Town Halls and free gems.

Mobipicker reported that the past updates for Town Halls were only for level 11 up. The new update will improve even those with the lowest level in "Clash of Clans."

Another update that Supercell is giving is with gems which were commonly not free. But the update may allow players to get the gems for free thus attracting more "Clash of Clans" players to come back and play.

"Clash of Clans" will also have some major changes with the attack stats for cannon damage where levels 11 through 14 will have an increase in speed and inflicted damage. Miners will also be slowing down their travels between buildings so players may need their army to time their rest for strategical purposes, according to App Trigger.

While Supercell announced that the upcoming September update will really be a big one that will bring significant changes to how players play "Clash of Clans. However, fans will have to wait for the official release date of this update and the features, changes, and fixes that they have done for the game.

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