'New Girl' Season 6 Cast News, Spoilers & Air Date: Jake Johnson Not Coming Back To Show?

The premiere of "New Girl" season 6 is near and fans are excited to finally see Jess and the dudes back in their apartment. But it seems their excitement was also buoyed by a fear that one of the fan favorite cast members will leave the show.

In March, Jake Johnson was announced to be joining the new reboot of "The Mummy," along with Tom Cruise, Cinema Blend reported. This, along with his participation in the sequel to "Jurassic World," cast doubts on his ability to return to "New Girl" season 6. Even more troubling for fans of "New Girl" season 6 is that Johnson has been expanding his filmography as he recently co-wrote the film "Digging for Fire," which also starred Brie Larson and Anna Kendrick.

But Johnson himself disproved this rumor on his Twitter account, responding to a fan's inquiry on whether he will be back on "New Girl" season 6. He also posted a snap of him preparing for the filming of the first episode of "New Girl" season 6 so it is very much likely that he will still be in the show.

"New Girl" season 6 will start its run on Tuesday, September 20, at 8:30 pm ET on Fox. The first episode of "New Girl" has been confirmed to be directed by star Zooey Deschanel in her debut as a television filmmaker, Entertainment Weekly reported. Parent Herald will be posting more on "New Girl" season 6 in the next few days as we only have a little more than two weeks before the show premieres.

How excited are you to watch "New Girl" season 6 back on air? What are your comments on the rumor that Jake Johnson will leave "New Girl" season 6? Let Parent Herald know in the comments section. Meanwhile, watch this cast promo for "New Girl" season 6 in the video below.

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