PlayStation Plus October 2016 Free Games List: What Games You Can Play For Free

Just a few days from now and October will come and of course, this will also mean that there will be new free games available for PlayStation Plus members. For those who are searching for new games for the month of October here are just some of the most speculated releases.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Since this game has already been made free on other platforms, it would be practical for Sony to also release this for PlayStation Plus. "Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is considered one of the best "AC" games and it will make most players busy that they might not want to play another game for some time.

Nights of the Azure. Another game that was already free in Japan this August is "Nights of the Azure." As it will be its first year anniversary in October, it would be a great threat given by Koei Tecmo if the company releases "Nights of the Azure" this coming month of October, The Bitbag reported.

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. For those who has not played "Rise of the Tomb Raider" on PlayStation 4, this will be a good time to catch up. News that the upcoming free game for PlayStation Plus members would have all the DLC and new content included.

Gravity Rush Remastered. While there is no confirmation yet regarding the release of this game for PlayStation Plus members this coming month but since "Gravity Rush Remastered" is already free in Japan, it could be possible that this will also come out this October. Also, "Gravity Rush 2" will also come, so it is a win-win game for this franchise.

Watch Dogs. There will be another installment of "Watch Dogs that will come on November 15 so there is also a possibility that PlayStation Plus subscribers will be getting their hands on "Watch Dogs" before "Watch Dogs 2" comes out.

Other possible games that may come for free for PS Plus subscribers are "Alien Isolation," "The Evil Within," "Oddworld Munch's Oddysee HD," "Costume Quest 2," "The Crew," and "Killzone: Shadow Fall."

What PlayStation Plus games are you expecting to play this October? Share us your thoughts below.

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