'American Horror Story' Season 6 Episode 4 Recap: Chilling Roanoke Colony Connection Revealed?

"American Horror Story: Roanoke" Episode 4 (titled Blood Moon) finally revealed Lady Gaga's backstory and how the colony has been related to the series' latest installment. It's not just any other backstory, because by far it contained the bloodiest killings since the season 6 premiere of "American Horror Story."

In a report by Entertainment Weekly, "American Horror Story" Season 6 Episode 4 started with scene of Shelby and Matt in a scuffle after she found out about his husband's agreement he made with Lee. But just as the husband and wife patched things up, the mysterious pig-headed creature shows up suddenly in the "American Horror Story" episode while Shelby takes a shower.

Luckily, Professor Elias returns and makes "Mr. Piggy" alight through a word he mumbled: "Croatoan." Interested what "Croatoan" means, Elias explained was that it used to be a message at Roanoke intended for colonists. Eventually, it turned into a word that had some dark power.

The professor in "American Horror Story: Roanoke" then shared about the supernatural history of the couple's home. Apparently, everyone who lived in that house was said to be killed by the colony, which is why he kept the house's papers so no one would perish again.

Throughout the year, it was revealed in "American Horror Story" Episode 4 that colony doesn't kill anyone except during a six-day blood moon. Then, off the woods the three go but they encounter the witch and the head-cracked hunters. Shelby tried to make them disappear through "Croatoan," but to her luck, it's the start of blood moon.

The three eventually escaped the colony but encountered Flora along with the dead residents of the couple's house, including "Mr. Piggy" and Priscilla. Elias was shot with arrows and the couple ran, meeting Cricket along the way, says a Digital Spy "American Horror Story" Episode 4 recap.

Cricket revealed that the house is at Roanoke and that Tomasyn killed the little girl, as well as the colony, as a sacrifice to the witch. So they went back to the house, time for Shelby and Matt to rest as Cricket went away.

At home, the couple were bothered with noises. "American Horror Story" Episode 6 ended as the noises lured Matt to go to Elias' bunker where the witch is waiting.

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