‘Pokemon Go’ Guide, Tips & Tricks To Capture Chansey Easily!

"Pokemon Go" trainers have long been in the hunt for rare Pokemon creatures, including Chansey. Luckily, some new tips and an upcoming update could help players catch Chansey easily.

Chansey, a normal type Pokemon with no evolution, could give a trainer up to 675 maximum combat power. This could be the reason why many "Pokemon Go" trainers are after Chansey.

However, Chansey is a rare Pokemon that could possibly be hatched from 10km eggs, one of the rarest eggs. Fortunately, Attack of the FanBoy found out that "Pokemon Go" trainers could actually increase their chances of hatching Chansey from 10km eggs by immediately popping the 10km eggs inside an egg incubator. Though there is only a 3 percent possibility that Chansey will hatch from an egg, the more eggs that a "Pokemon Go" trainer hatches, the more chances of getting the said Pokemon.

Another "Pokemon Go" tip and tricks to get Chansey is to locate an area where there are rare Pokemon creatures spawning. This could increase the odds of capturing Chansey especially if the area is a university or a residential one as Attack of the FanBoy noted.

The said "Pokemon Go" techniques, however, do not guarantee a Chansey capture as they are merely tricks and tips that could help players catch Chansey. But with the upcoming update, the odds of getting Chansey may also be increased.

"Pokemon Go" developer Niantic already announced that a new update is coming to the game that will allow players to use catch bonuses in order to capture rare Pokemons, Parent Herald reported. The "Pokemon Go" update will reward players with bonuses as they capture a certain number of Pokemons with similar types. Such bonuses can then be used to catch a Pokemon of their choice.

"Pokemon Go" trainers, for example, could use a catch bonus to catch Chansey if they have a bonus that came from catching a Normal type Pokemon. With this update, trainers can increase the possibility of capturing not only Chansey but also other rare Pokemons. Would you also like to add Chansey in your collection?

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