‘The Flash’ Season 3 Episode 2 Recap: Barry Allen Met Dr. Alchemy; Killer Frost Is Back?

"The Flash" Season 3 Episode 2 entitled "Paradox" revealed the numerous changes within the lives of Barry Allen's friends and family, including Caitlin Snow's new power. Additionally, new characters made their first appearance on "The Flash" such as Dr. Alchemy and Julian Albert, the character portrayed by Tom Felton.

The second episode of "The Flash" Season 3 opened with Barry telling Felicity Smoak that his original timeline was changed because of "Flashpoint." Joe and Iris West are no longer talking while Cisco Ramon lost his brother Dante. He also met Julian in CSI who seems to be a difficult co-worker for Barry.

Elsewhere, Dr. Alchemy revealed himself to Dr. Edward Clariss who has visions of himself being the evil speedster called "The Rival" from "Flashpoint." Dr. Alchemy offered him to have the same powers he had from the alternate timeline and defeat "The Flash" to which he agreed to.

Barry tried to tell everyone about what he has done with their original timeline but he had to leave to go after "The Rival" just before he was able to start a conversation. Barry then found out that Dr. Clariss knew that "The Flash" killed him from "Flashpoint" and he is back for revenge.

Fortunately, the original "The Flash" Jay Garrick from Earth-2 visited Barry and helped him realize everything that was going on. He said that what Barry can do is just move on and live with the changes of the timeline he is right now. Barry agreed with Jay so he went to S.T.A.R. Labs and told his team everything but they did not accept it well.

Barry then had to face "The Rival" again and this time, Dr. Alchemy showed up and told "The Flash" that he wants to "help people achieve their full potentials because he is preparing this world." "The Rival" almost defeated Barry but just before he was able to give out his final attack, Cisco appeared and used his powers to push him away. "The Flash" was then able to defeat "The Rival" and the team found out that it was Dr. Alchemy who gave Dr. Clariss his powers.

"The Flash" "Paradox" also revealed that Caitlin is a meta-human just before the episode ended. She was seen creating ice in her hand, similar to Killer Frost's power, her doppelganger from Earth-2. Could this mean that Caitlin could turn into something evil in the next episodes of "The Flash?"

Watch the extended teaser of "The Flash" Season 3 "Paradox" here.

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