‘Pokémon GO’ Gen 2 News & Updates: Breeding, Baby Eggs, New Pokémon Coming? Legendary Birds Confirmed?

Rumors about what "Pokémon GO" Generation 2 would bring have been circulating for quite some time now. Niantic recently introduced a bunch of updates to the game, with catch bonuses and a revamped Gym training experience as the most notable upgrades.

The game developer likely has several tricks up its sleeve for "Pokémon GO" Gen 2. Recent speculations claimed that breeding and baby eggs could be introduced in next year's update, according to Now Loading.

These baby eggs would hatch into pre-evolution Pokémon such as Pichu, Pikachu's baby form. For the breeding feature, "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 could finally introduce Ditto as an assistant in the creation of eggs for single-gendered Pokémon such as Chansey, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Jynx, Kangaskhan, and Tauros.

Trainers would probably have more starter options in "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 when the new batch of pocket monsters arrive - most likely Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile from "Pokémon Gold and Silver," Mic listed. The new Pokémon could include region-locked ones, too. Some players speculated that Miltank would only be available in North America and Heracross could only be found in Asia.

Other speculated "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 features are trading system, three new Incense types, and the highly coveted Legendary Pokémon (Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos). According to MobiPicker, some users found source codes within the game that heavily hint at these updates. For the Incense types, users found the codes 'item_incense_cool,' 'item_incense_floral,' and 'item_incense_spicy.'

A number of Gen 1 Pokémon could get evolutions in "Pokémon GO" Gen 2, Pokémon GO Informer reported. This includes Crobat, Bellosom, Politoed, Slowking, Steelix, Hitmontop, Blissey, Kingdra, Scizor, Espeon, Umbreon, and Porygon 2.

According to Value Walk, the main requirement for these new evolutions is lots of Candies. Niantic's newly released Buddy System helps players acquire more Candies, so it may be best for players to save as many Candies as they can in preparation for the big update.

In July, Niantic's CEO and founder John Hanke hinted that "Pokémon GO" Gen 2 could introduce a bigger function for PokéStops. Hanke said that it's "a pretty cool idea that you can acquire an object that changes the function of a PokéStop and gives it a new ability," The Verge reported.

"Pokémon GO" Gen 2 would likely roll out in March 2017, though that's still unconfirmed as of late. Are you excited for "Pokémon GO" Gen 2's rumored features? Tell us your thoughts below.

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