"Pokemon GO" third party apps PokeMesh and PokeWhere may revive interest of Pokemon trainers in the Niantic game. With previous third party trackers well and truly blocked by Niantic, PokeMesh and PokeWhere could still give "Pokemon GO" players that added value they have been looking for.
In the past, third party app Pokevision gave "Pokemon GO" players a satisfactory supplement to Pokemon hunting activities. For Pokemon trainers bringing up Pokemon rosters for gym battles, third party trackers as Pokevision made the hunt for high level, even rare Pokemon a tad easier.
Which Pokémon are you sweet on? How much Candy do you have for that Pokémon? pic.twitter.com/Or5sgRgLYQ
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 1, 2016
However, as cited on Parent Herald, making the challenge of Pokemon hunting easier for "Pokemon GO" players goes against one of the underlying goals of Niantic for the game. As illustrated by the secret of the 10-kilometer Poke Egg, Niantic hopes to encourage "Pokemon GO" players to be more mobile and to engage in the more social aspect of the game.
This is also probably why Poke Stop requests was a limited-time event, why Pokemon foot tracks have been removed and why "Pokemon GO' has placed a ban on trackers. For "Pokemon GO" players, though, who place a premium on the Pokemon slogan of "Gotta catch them all," third party apps for tracking are a definite plus.
Redmond Pie lists "Pokemon GO" third party trackers as PokeMesh for Android users and Poke Radar for both iOS and Android users. Neurogadget also cites PokeWhere as one of the more popular "Pokemon GO" third party trackers for both iOS and Android users.
The media outlet does point out that use of "Pokemon GO" third party trackers as PokeMesh, PokeWhere and Poke Radar continues to pose a risk for Pokemon trainers, whose accounts may be banned by Niantic. However, with interest in "Pokemon GO" slowing down considerably, Pokemon third party trackers as PokeMesh, PokeWhere and Poke Radar may revive - or, at the very least, maintain - interest in the Niantic game.
Still, "Pokemon GO" players may find less vigilance by Niantic sooner than later against third party trackers as PokeMesh, PokeWhere and Poke Radar. Gamasutra cites a conversation between The Verge and Dennis Hwang of Niantic, where the visual design director revealed that the company is looking at going into various other projects similar to "Pokemon GO."