‘Big Brother: Over The Top' Recap & Spoilers: Which Housement Is Turning Against His Own Alliance?

The "Big Brother: Over The Top" competition seems kind to Shelby after she complains about being destructed by the mirrors that allegedly cost her the competition. She is allowed to stay on by Big Brother but she will have to deal with Jason only.

The production also has no idea how things would go in a given situation. No one knows what to expect. There's no sort of a format as well that can guide viewers as to how situations can develop. So, the best thing is to watch the show through live feeds, advises Big Brother Network.

It can be remembered that Scott is a good guy but suffered the most due to his loyalty. He was devoted to the Ball-Smashers. Whitney's staying instead of Scott is probably an oversight that would make the Ball-Smashers struggle for their own survival in the "Big Brother" house.

The Head of Household competition is not at all entertaining. The Snapchat's face swap feature has been abused to extremity. Contestants had to guess which body parts of a house guest are responsible for the nightmarish faces shown. Shelby wins during this hilarious game.

As expected, Shelby used her newly acquired power for Alex and Morgan's safety almost immediately. Whitney can't stay still at the "Big Brother" house and hung around with Justin talking about broccoli . Whitney never liked how it tastes, but Justin tries to convince her that if he cooks it, she will surely love it.

Shelby aims for Jason and Justin but America let Jason win the care package. So, he becomes her co-HOH. Each can nominate one housemate for safety. They have no choice but be with each other's company and who knows? They might like each other in the end.

Soon after, Jason nominates Danielle and Shelby for Whitney. Alex is nominated by America, who's another good player. Jason benefits greatly from this development. When Danielle is off the block, Morgan can take over, and that would prevent Shelby from saving any of her allies.

Shelby suddenly became homesick after spending some time with Jason. There was a bit of comedy there when she was reminiscing about her dogs, Harry Potter, and some hot guys -- which were evidently missing from the "Big Brother" house , as recapped by EW Entertainment.

"Big Brother: Over the Top" live streaming is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, only on CBS All Access.

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