It hasn't been long since Robert Downey Jr. confirmed to take on the lead role in the upcoming "Sherlock Holmes 3" that rumors of him stepping out of "Iron Man 4" as Tony Stark spilled all over the Internet. Seeing as "Iron Man 4" is making little to no progress in production, reports are saying that "Hacksaw Ridge" director Mel Gibson would possibly be stepping in and directing the fourth "Iron Man" installment.
News of Robert Downey Jr. agreeing once more to act as Tony Stark in "Iron Man 4" got under way when RDJ commented to playing the part if Mel Gibson directs the film. However, some are saying that the actor is too old for the role and may decide on resigning as an Avenger since the onset of filming the upcoming "Avengers: Infinity Wars".
Robert Downey jr would go out with a bang that includes added fireworks as Tony Stark if Mel Gibson directs Iron Man 4
— Greek Americana (@ElegantDuckling) November 6, 2016
Stan Lee of Marvel Comics once mentioned that Robert Downey Jr. was born to be "Iron Man" and RDJ's fans couldn't have agreed more as well noted in a recent report posted online. Some say that Tony Stark's character build-up is may be closely related to RDJ's real life story.
In case you didn't know, Robert Downey Jr. and Mel Gibson are close friends as they have worked together before. This is maybe just one of the reasons why RDJ wants Mel Gibson in "Iron Man 4".
Mel Gibson's most recent work is the 2016 "Hacksaw Ridge" film which earned 8.7/10 in IMDb's ratings. Such success in his line is maybe just the right inspiration Robert Downey Jr. needs in acting as Tony Stark in "Iron Man 4".
In response, Mel Gibson shared his interest in filming "Iron Man 4". However, we may be in for a different version of "Iron Man" since Mel Gibson has been known to be against violence as he once criticized Marvel for making violent movies such as "Doctor Strange."
As of the moment, Mel Gibson has not made a profound step towards directing "Iron Man 4" while Robert Downey Jr. has not explicitly denied taking the role of Tony Stark. Having said this, no one really knows if the 4th installment of "Iron Man" will ever get into production and surely this would be one heart-wrenching news to RDJ's fans who are looking forward to "Iron Man 4".