A Father's Love: Alabama Man Who Shot Daughter's Rapist Sentenced For Defending Child; 1,900 People Sign Petition For His Release

An Alabama father believed that the time spent behind bars of the molester of his daughter was not enough so he took matters into his own hands by fatally shooting the latter. Now, after the Alabama father was sentenced to 40 years in prison, more than 1,900 people have signed a petition calling for his release.

The father is identified as Jay Maynor, 43. He pleaded guilty on Monday to first-degree murder in the death of Raymond Earl Brooks. Brooks was shot and killed in 2014. Accordingly, Maynor pleaded guilty to the charges against him because he did not want his daughter, Julia, to relive the trauma she went through if she is to be called to testify about the abuse as well as the emotional toll she took during the murder trial.

More on the petition for Maynor, People reported that it is addressed to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange and President Barack Obama. The people who have signed the petition via Change.org says that Maynor is not a threat to society, he is a good man and they would like to see him walk free or serve the minimum of a lesser sentence.

Aside from pleading guilty to the death of Brooks, Maynor also pleaded guilty to the second-degree attempted murder charge for the shooting of a different man he believed dated and physically abused Julia. Julia is the stepdaughter of Maynor.

Julia was only four years old when she was first molested by Brooks. Brooks is the grandfather of Julia through adoption. The molestation took place for years and was only discovered when Julia reached eight years old. Brooks pleaded guilty to molestation in 2002 and was sentenced to five years behind bars. However, he only served 27 months and was placed on probation after, Huffington Post reported.

Julia is now 24 years old and is a mother of three. She said that Brooks took her innocence away and she suffers daily the lifelong effect of what he did. She has yet to comment on the imprisonment of Maynor.

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