Disney's upcoming animated movie, "Moana," is filled with controversy right now due to its main character, who apparently is too big for the screen. The character opened issues about fat-shaming, and so it may not hit a blockbuster record as expected.
Some moviegoers are asking why Maui, the main character in "Moana," got so big. It is believed that Maui possesses an unusual strength, having defeated the Sun with a jawbone and tugged the Hawaiian Island out from the bottom of the sea. However, no one expected that he has a big body frame.
The character's size in "Moana" was not mentioned in the books that it was based from. In the "Maui Snaring the Sun" drawing in 1927, Maui is depicted as a normal beach boy. In the classic books, "How Maui Found His Father and the Magic Jawbone" by Peter Gossage, "Maui and the Goddess of Fire" by Gavin Bishop and "Maui Hooks the Islands" by Gabrielle Ahuli'I, Maui is described as slim character with even a six-pack abs to boast, according to New York Times.
So when "Moana" showed its trailer, some were surprised by Maui's size. The upcoming Disney film showed the character with its big muscles, strong biceps, curly hair and a body size that is comparable to Dwayne Johnson, who also happens to be the voice of the character.
This reportedly left some people upset over Maui's size since Disney allegedly interpreted Maui in a different light. This opened the issue about fat-shaming, which opens another speculation that it may affect the market performance of "Moana."
The trailer of "Moana" allegedly reinforced a negative image towards the people of Polynesia. Lifezette wrote that evidently, the movie depicts that all Polynesians, men and women, are naturally big.
On the other hand, some believe that Disney just wants to inspire the "big boned" audiences, giving kids a new hero that they can see as a role model. Nevertheless, the movie may be a sure fire hit considering that it is made by Disney and has a lot of adventures to feature, which the kids and kids-at-heart can appreciate.
"Moana" hits theaters today, Nov. 23. What do you think if Maui's size in "Moana?" Tell us your thoughts below.