PlayStation VR is one virtual reality headset favored by many gamers because of its somehow affordable price and impeccable features. To add, it has also released games that would exclusively work for Playstation. The "RIGS: Mechanized Combat League" is one game which has been getting good reviews.
According to IGN, the simple controls make "RIGS: Mechanized Combat League" easy to pick up and play. The Dualshock handles most of the mech's movements and is a convenient and comfortable way for FPS veterans to jump and start shooting through skirmishes.
This PlayStation VR exclusive game gives players the option to switch. One reviewer preferred turning using right stick since using his head to control did not feel natural at first. It was reported that the edges of the cockpit UI were felt and in the way as shots are lined up.
The game however lets a player go through a long, and often times described as boring tutorial. This may not be so much of an issue because it gives a good background on how to move and navigate the virtual reality.
#RIGS Tournament Sponsored by @Guerrilla! Prizes! December 10th #FPS #eSports @UploadVR @rockpapershot
— Defektive (@Defektivex) November 26, 2016
The "RIGS: Mechanized Combat League" may be an exciting game to play but be warned that it is an action-heavy first-person shooter-style game. This may pose a problem to those who have motion sickness which can crush the gaming experience altogether.
The online matches on "RIGS: Mechanized Combat League" perform quite well though it has load times and matchmaking waits as it searches for multiple opponents. For the impatient and eager players, this may be a minor downside.
This exciting game brings a fast and intense action to the PlayStation VR, but it is not all that perfect. There are a variety of mechs, however, the subpar visuals often are considered distracting. It does need more work on the visuals aspect.
Ad added by Metacritic, this PlayStation VR exclusive game throws players into explosive battle arenas where mechanized combat and sports collide. The single player will test a player's skills in team tactics and decision making.