Studies Prove That Life On Venus Is Possible! Is It Confirmed That There's Life On Earth's Twin? [DETAILS HERE]

With the demand to finally prove that there is indeed life in space aside from that of Earth's, it is speculated that Venus can also support life. Just like Mars, many believe that it is possible to support some sort of life-form enough to develop into an interesting creature that may or may not resemble human beings found here on earth. Could it be possible that life on Venus is real?

According to Daily Mail, scientists found various shapes from Soviet probes back in 1982. Since the discovery of the alleged shapes, many have related it to something suggesting of a life-form in Venus. Since the, it is believed that life on Venus is also possible.

Russian space expert Leonid Ksanfomaliti is the one responsible for saying that indeed life on Venus is confirmed. This is after his analysis on a photograph taken by Soviet probe done in Venus some 30 years ago.

The Russian space expert said that he found a scorpion-shaped body, a disc and a back flap. This unexplained "supposed" creature even moved as the probe's camera captures and records various shots.

It is further described to emerge, fluctuate, and disappear. This was how Ksanfomaliti explained as he wrote his findings in the Russian journal for Solar System Research magazine. He is firm that life on Venus is possible and he has his discovery to prove it.

Unfortunately, the creature he found to support that life on Venus is possible is actually nothing but a lens cap that fell off the rover. NASA photo-analysts were fast to dismiss Ksanfomaliti's discovery from the Venus-13 probe by Russia.

However, based on Space, the hellish surface of Venus may once have been habitable. It has a shallow ocean of liquid water, cooler surface temperatures and an atmosphere resembling Earth's.

Life on Venus may have been possible two billion years ago based on the findings by NASA researchers at Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Two billion years ago, life on Venus may have flourished, even almost similar to the kind Earth has.

Currently, Venus is the second planet closest to the sun. It is extremely hot, so hot that no organism can ever survive. Science could have made a quantum leap upon Ksanfomaliti's scorpion-like discovery, unfortunately, it was nothing but a part of the rover which fell off.

Given the current condition on Earth's twin, life is absolutely impossible. Mars may be the only hope for a life outside Earth, within our Solar System. Life on Venus and its possibility has to be forgotten because it is just not possible.

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