‘Uncharted: The Lost Legacy’ Gets Charted, The Search For The Lost Tusk Begins In 2017

After almost a year since Uncharted 4 release a new standalone DLC called "The Lost Legacy" was unveiled. Chloe Frazer was the main focus of the reveal trailer.

Chloe Frazer is one of the most mysterious characters in the "Uncharted" series, the character is voiced by veteran actress Claudia Black who is known for her works in big title games such as "Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor" as Queen Marwen, Samantha Byrne in "Gears of War 3 and 4," Morrigan in "Dragon Age: Inquisitions" and "Dragon Age: Origins," and much more.

"Uncharted: The Lost Legacy" stand-alone game diverted from the rumored Sam and Sully Tandem which came out before the PlayStation Experience event. The Lost Legacy was confirmed as Chloe's very own adventure. The story focuses on Hinduism mythology which involves the search for the broken tusk of Ganesha. Ganesha is a Hindu deity with four arms and an elephant head which according to mythology was obtained after the boy created by the goddess Parvati and was decapitated by the Hindu god Shiva. The Tusk of Ganesh which was discussed during the PSX panel was said to cure dualism in the Hindu religion.

Having Chloe as the main protagonist in Uncharted 4: The Lost Legacy is a breath of fresh air from the Drake brothers and Sully. Chloe Frazer's past is still an uncharted territory which most fans of the series would like to explore. The appearance of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End antagonist Nadine Ross gives the possibility that the events of "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy" happened after "Uncharted 4's" timeline although this information needs to be confirmed.

"Uncharted: The Lost Legacy" is said to be shorter than "Uncharted 4" but longer than "Left Behind." The initial plan was to make a DLC for "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End" but the creative team from Naughty Dog developed a stand-alone DLC instead, based on the "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy" panel during the PlayStation Experience event.

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