The movie "Star Wars" has long been followed by millions and millions of fans from the first installment to the most recent which is "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." However, it may be surprising to find out that there are some who are not and have not ever been a fan of the movie.
Given this, will a Star Wars non-fan be able to relate and understand the movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" if one has not ever watched a single movie. Yes, there are those types, maybe very few in numbers but they still exist.
The movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" promises to be interesting, even to those who are not a fan of the movie installment. It is rich with sci-fi effects sure to tickle the fancy of those who are inclined to such kind of movie effects. It also brings in the much-needed adventure enough to keep a non-fan glued. It may even make a non-fan a fan after watching the movie.
There are good reviews for the movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" based on Rotten Tomatoes. A top critic from MTV, Amy Nicholson said that the movie's emphasis is on packing in as much nostalgia as possible and tersely editing it together to resemble a film.
The #RogueOne #starwars character posters. What is your favorite?
— See Rogue One (@StarWarsJunk) October 17, 2016
Another review from Super Reviewer, Eugene Bernabe said that the movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" is a dazzling and glorifying connection to the intergalactic saga. He continued on by saying that the film's effective combat sequences are as magnificent as its band of hopeful misfits and dramatic aspects can be merely matched with it.
These are certainly good reviews from those who simply admire the movie and its production. Will this be enough to convert a non-fan into a fan? More reviews are then presented by IMDb.
According to a reviewer of IMDb, he said that the movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" is better than what he originally thought. He thinks he even likes it more than "Star Wars VII." He went on to describe it as a great chapter in the Star Wars universe.
For those who are non-fans of the "Star Wars" movie, it may be mind-boggling to understand how many people are rather obsessed with the film and how most have sleepless nights awaiting the opening of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." With all of these reviews, it is somehow encouraging to entice and inspire them to be converted.