Celebrity Parents Quotes: 2016's Coolest Parenting Words Of Wisdom From Famous Moms & Dads

Celebrity idolatry has its pros and cons but some of these famous people are also parents who go through the same struggles as regular moms and dads. These celebrity parents are active on social media or might be asked about their family life during interviews. The parenting words of wisdom they impart in these instances are nuggets that many parents can relate to quite well.

What has been some of the coolest celebrity parenting quotes for 2016? Parent Herald has rounded up some of these statements.

"You've got to be careful when you're trying to teach your kid what a reasonable amount of vengeance is," dad Ryan Gosling told Ellen in May, according to Entertainment Tonight. He was teaching his daughter about handling a troublemaker in the park but the child wanted to let it go. Gosling admitted that he was more slighted about the incident and feels strongly about teaching his little girl to fight against bullies.

In September, Olivia Wilde posted a simple tweet about having a hard day at parenting, which drew hundreds of response. She's not ashamed to admit that parenting is hard even for celebrities. "[Breastfeeding] is not easy - it's messy," she told to People." I don't like the idea of breastfeeding being forced on anyone or anyone feeling guilty," she added.

Ryan Reynolds' approach to parenting is through humor and his tweets about it are some of the most well-received. It's hard to pick a favorite quote from this actor because he's been leaving parenting nuggets on a regular basis. Mom.me cites that the "Deadpool" star is winning at fatherhood this way. For parents needing a dose of relief and reality, his social media account is a must-follow.

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard have mastered the skill of co-parenting. With two toddlers, disciplining them has become challenging but they agree with one method. "We wait until they calm down and then we talk to them," Bell said, according to Us Weekly. "We have very strict rules in our family about how we treat people with respect, especially our family members."

Do you have a favorite celebrity parenting quote? Care to share some of those in the comments?

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