'Siren' Movie Gets Good Reviews For Its Interesting Twist; Considered One Of The Best For 2016!

The movie "Siren" received generally good reviews from movie critics as it premiered on Dec. 2016. Many factors of the movie contributed to its good rating by movie critics and moviegoers alike.

The movie presented an interesting twist which is considered unpredictable. Predictability is sometimes the issue with most horror flicks. The scare factor is there, however the sequences of events present itself as obvious taking away the much needed suspense and thrill.

The movie "Siren" didn't follow this trend. Seems that moviegoers were treated with a twist that no one actually could've predicted. When one kind-hearted being frees a supposed captive, turns out doing so will bring him to the nightmare of his life.

According to Rotten Tomatoes, the movie "Siren" is about how an apprehensive groom-to-be named Jonah freed a seemingly innocent girl who is locked up in a supernatural sex club. As he did this, the ruthless handler will stop at nothing to claim back the girl.

It then continues when he soon realized that she is a dangerous fabled predator who chose him to be her mate. This becomes the focal point of the harrowing moments of the film. The dangerous, gut-wrenching chase sprung from this realization.

The movie also had a good rating of 75 percent in the site's ranking. Obviously, there were other movies which ranked way higher but this rating is not bad enough.

As added by Movie Insider, the movie stars Chase Williamson, Justin Welborn, and Michael Aaron Milligan. They are also joined by Hayes Mercure, Randy McDowell, Hannah Fierman, and many more.

The movie is directed by Gregg Bishop. The writers responsible for the movie are Ben Collins and Luke Piotrowski. The team behind the movie should be commended for a not-so-typical horror film. It may not come shoulder-to-shoulder with "The Conjuring 2," but its safely up there.

The movie "Siren" was made available on DVD Dec. 6, 2016. The same date was also its availability on Cable, Amazon, Instant, Google Play, and iTunes.

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