Failed contraception: newborn baby clasps IUD after being born [a viral photo]

Failed contraception: Newborn baby clasps IUD after being born [a viral photo]
Failed contraception: Newborn baby clasps IUD after being born [a viral photo] Screenshot from Facebook of Khoa sản 2 - Bệnh viện đa khoa quốc tế Hải Phòng

Some parents choose different forms of contraception to plan for their family. In Vietnam, a mother opted to have an IUD or intrauterine device. However, the contraception that she chose failed. His son was even clasping the contraceptive device when he was born.

The obstetrician shared a photo of the little boy in Hai Phong International Hospital. Since the photo was uploaded, it has gone viral, and people on the Internet are all over the funny incident.

The failed contraception

In an article from, it was said that the mother of the newborn baby boy in the photo is a 34-year-old woman who had her IUD inserted two years ago. Surely, this contraception did not work for her.

According to the woman's obstetrician, Dr. Tran Viet Phuong, the contraceptive might have been moved from its first and original position. This movement caused the inefficacy of this contraception, which led to the pregnancy of the mother.

The healthy newborn baby boy

After the delivery, the baby boy was reported to be healthy. He weighs 7 pounds. However, reports say that the newborn baby boy and the mother are still under observation in the hospital.

The baby boy in the viral photo is the third child in the family.

The viral photo

Dr. Phuong was the one who took the little boy's photo. He said, "After delivery, I thought him holding the device was interesting, so I took a picture." The obstetrician did not expect that there will be receiving so much attention.

Some netizens thought that the photo was cute and hilarious. One Facebook user even said, "This baby was destined to be born."

The post now has four thousand shares on Facebook.

What is an IUD?

IUD or intrauterine device is a copper and plastic device that is inserted in a woman's womb. This small device prevents pregnancy by either releasing copper or hormone. This process stops the sperm from fertilizing an egg.

This protection is expected to last and still be effective for five to ten years.

According to the NHS, an IUD, when inserted correctly, has a 99 percent effectivity rate. If that is the case, the newborn baby's mother in the viral photo is probably part of the one percent.

When the IUD is inserted, women tend to experience heavier periods that are more painful than usual. This situation persists from the first to the sixth month the IUD was placed. There are also some instances when women experience a slight infection.

This photo is not the first failed contraception photo that went viral. In 2017, a mom from Texas posted a photo of her newborn baby clutching an IUD implant. The post went viral with more than 70,000 shares on Facebook.

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