3 Sisters gave birth on the same day [in the same hospital]

On July 3, three sisters gave birth on the same day at the same hospital within four hours. Initially, they were due on different days of July.

The Mansfield News Journal reported that the three gave birth at Ohio Health Mansfield Hospital by one doctor. Dr. Edroy MacMillan induced Dameesha Haynes, Ariel Williams, and Ashley Haynes. He helped them deliver their babies within four-and-a-half hours.

One in 50 million

According to an Associated Press story in 1998, chances like this from happening is one in 50 million. The story cited triple birth that happened on the same day that year. Daneesha, 25, said that the amazing blessing blew everyone away.

The first of the three sisters to give birth was Williams, 20. She gave birth to Sincere Young at 10:10 AM. She said that she has a daughter named Serenity, so she wanted a similar name to the next one.

Ashley, 27, followed, who gave birth to her fifth child. Initially, due on July 7, Adrion came out at 11:26 AM. She was already 2 centimeters dilated and was about to give birth, so the epidural did not take effect.

At 2:43 PM, Daneesha, 25, gave birth to daughter Emrie Haynes. She said that her due date was on July 23, but doctors decided to induce labor three weeks early because she was high-risk. Her baby came out, weighing only four pounds, 14 ounces.

She had hoped to deliver via NSD, and not have to do the C-section.

This man right here is the man that changed our lives forever yesterday!!! He has brought 3 babies by 3 sisters into the... Posted by Nina Nicole on Saturday, July 4, 2020

Race to be the first

Daneesha got emotional when the doctors induced her and her sisters to labor. She said that she wanted to be the first to give birth. She explained that they were in a race. When their water broke, she tried her best to be the first among the three.

The three sisters' mother, Deborah Ware, said that Emrie came out the smallest. Despite that, she knows that the little one will outgrow her cousins. Ware told the outlet that she knows that the smallest one will pass everybody up.

Ware's number of grandchildren jumped from 11 to 14 in a day.

A same incident in 1998

In 1998, the three daughters of a professor gave birth on the same day. Within 13 hours, the professor had three new grandchildren. The first one gave birth at 7 in the morning, and the second at 3 in the afternoon. While the third one gave birth at 8 in the evening.

The three sisters had fun during their pregnancy and joked about giving birth on the same day. The three had different due dates: March 15, April 1, and April 4.

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