32 weeks pregnant women start their eighth month of pregnancy. During this time, your baby's head should already be upside down and your uterus is getting ready for birth. It means that you should be getting ready for your labor too.
Apart from getting your house ready for the upcoming baby, what you should be getting ready too is your hospital bag. Read on to find out the symptoms of pregnancy you have to look out for, plus a hospital bag checklist so you would not forget anything.
Symptoms of pregnancy
You may notice some changes in the way your baby moves because she is maxing out on the space inside your womb. Take note also that backache and heartburn may get a little worse.
Movement changes
Since your baby is nearing her due date, her movements change because there is less room in your uterus. Those bold kicks were replaced by squirms, wiggles, knocks, and nudges. If there is a decrease in your little one's movements, make sure to inform your OB-GYN.
See also: Symptoms of Pregnancy: How Early Do They Start to Show?
Shortness of breath
Your uterus is not about five inches above your belly button. It might make you have trouble catching your breath because your lungs might be getting crowded.
Some pregnant women still have not experienced heartburn up to this week yet. However, you could still get it. Apart from being caused by hormones, your big uterus is getting heavy and is putting a lot of pressure on your stomach.
About 22 percent of pregnant women have heartburn in the first trimester, 39 percent in the second, and up to 72 percent have the feeling in the last trimester.
See also: Pregnancy Calculator: How to Compute Estimated Due Date and Date of Conception
Signs of labor
You might experience contractions, bleeding, or sudden changes in vaginal discharge. Inform your doctor of any signs that could lead to preterm labor.
Checklist for hospital bag
Now that you are nearing the end of your conception, it would be helpful to get your hospital bag ready. So when the time comes that your water breaks, you have one less thing to think about. To get you a heads up, here are few things to include in your go-to bag.
See also: How soon will a pregnancy test read positive? 10 signs to look out for
Pre-registration forms from the hospital
Identification card and health insurance card
A copy of your birth plan
Cord blood kit (if you plan on having private banking)
Medications (if you are taking maintenance)
Robe and nightgown (choose those easy front access for breastfeeding)
Slipper and socks
Pillow (so you can rest after giving birth, make sure to use different colored pillowcase than the hospital)
Baby outfits (include mittens, booties, and hats)
Swaddling blankets to keep your newborn warm
Heavy flow sanitary pads
Diaper and wipes
Easy to digest snacks and crackers
Hospital bag for partners
You remember to bring your partner's bag, but do not forget that you will also have to bring your stuff in case you have to stay in for the night of delivery. Bring change clothes, phone charger, snacks, and labor support tools that you and your partner have discussed. Bring also some snacks as you might need them for long waiting hours.