Florida Baby Born Roadside With State Troopers' Help

Florida Baby Born on the Side of the Road as Troopers Help
Florida Baby Born on the Side of the Road as Troopers Help Pexels

Highway Patrol troopers had to help a pregnant woman give birth last Tuesday morning. The Florida baby was born on the side of the road. It all started as a supposed overspeeding incident but ended with a newborn baby, safely delivered with two highway patrol troopers. The mom and baby are both reported to be healthy.

The overspeeding incident

At around 2 am last Tuesday, Florida Highway Patrol Troopers noticed an SUV overspeeding. The vehicle was going 83 mph in an area that is only designated for cars to run at 50 mph.

The officers had to stop the car because of the overspeeding incident. However, after signaling the SUV to stop, the car's driver frantically waved his hands outside of the window. It turns out that the driver was the husband of a pregnant woman who was in labor.

Mom had to give birth on the side of the road.

Upon realizing the situation, the troopers called for EMS. While on the road's side, the street, the dad worked with the officers in calming the pregnant woman.

Because the labor was quickly progressing, the three decided to ask the pregnant woman to exit the vehicle. They asked the woman to lay on the blanket on the grass. Shortly after that, the Florida baby was born on the side of the road.

Reports say that the dad caught the baby and handed their baby girl to one of the Florida Highway Patrol Troopers. The officer cleared the baby's airway, and soon after, she started crying.

The incident was caught on video. Watch it here:

EMS arrives after the Florida baby was born

After the mom delivered her baby girl, the EMS arrived. The mom was then immediately brought to the hospital along with her baby. The dad and their other daughter followed the EMS to the hospital through their SUV.

According to reports, both the mom and the baby are doing good. Another good news for that day was that the dad did not get any ticket for the overspeeding incident.

When should a mom go to the hospital for labor?

According to Healthline, the general rule during labor is, if the contractions are "longer, stronger, closer together," baby's on their way!" If this is the case, then it is time to go to the hospital.

However, if the contractions are not strong and lengthy, this could only be the early labor phase. Resting at home but staying mindful is still advisable.

Pregnant women should be aware that they could be experiencing false labor. That is why it would be best if a doctor's opinion is secured on the matter.

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