A man with nine wives established a "first come, first serve" rule in his household after his first wife left. Arthur O Urso, a Catholic man from Brazil, is planning to expand his family with another baby, but he's insisting to his wives that they will have to observe the new rule if they want some quality time.
According to Daily Mirror, O Urso used to have a "rota" to spend his time with his wives equally, but this failed when Luana Kazaki, his first wife, divorced him. Despite the rota, he couldn't balance his time with all of his partners.
So now, his time with each wife will be on a "first come, first serve" basis. He insisted that he doesn't have a favorite among his brides.
Man with 9 Wives Still Learning
O Urso and Kazaki started their married relationship as swingers, and this was how they met the other brides. According to Daily Mail, O Urso attracted headlines in 2021 when he married his eight girlfriends in a Catholic union. Kazaki was also part of the ceremony. However, polygamy is not legally recognized in his homeland, so their union remains unsanctioned by law.
Soon after having nine wives, O Urso, who has one child with Kazai, said that problems started creeping into his marriage because his schedule with the women felt more like an obligation than a pleasurable time. He longed for a free-flowing experience with his women, so he changed the rules. So far, they are agreeable to the first-come, first-served arrangement.
However, the man with nine wives is aware that some of his wives have a jealous streak, especially when it comes to their gifts. Admittedly, O Urso said that he's still learning about his relationships with each woman. He noted that Kazaki chose to divorce him because she realized she wanted a monogamous relationship. He felt sad, confused, and cheated by what happened between him and his first wife.
His Children Will Grow Up With a 'Lot of Love'
O Urso documents his life and his unconventional relationship on Instagram, where he has over 100,000 followers. While his divorce from Kazaki is fairly recent, O Urso said he plans to marry two more women because he's aiming to have ten wives.
Now that he's looking to expand his family, O Urso said he doesn't have any preference regarding which of his wives should get pregnant first. What he's certain of is that his future babies will grow up with a lot of love because these maternal figures will surround them.
The man with nine wives also said that not all of his women are willing to have children just yet, and he's fine with this as well, per Times Now News.