Having A Cesarean Delivery? Here Are 4 Big Surprises About C-Sections You Should Know About

A cesarean section is a type of childbirth that involves a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus. Whether you have been scheduled to deliver your baby via c-section or you are going to have an emergency one, learning about some of the biggest surprises about c-sections can help you prepare for the challenges ahead.

The Bump shares some of the biggest surprises about c-sections. Delivering a baby through cesarean section is a big challenge that can be overcome with proper preparation and adequate healthcare.

1. Your Vagina Will Still Be Involved

If you thought your vagina will be free from any stress during your c-section, think again. A nurse will have to rinse your vagina and clean up the blood that will leak out after the surgery. The nurse will also have to insert a urinary catheter before the cesarean section surgery.

2. Your Body Will Experience Shaking

One of the biggest surprises about c-sections is the involuntary body shaking and vibrations after receiving a spinal. However, this lasts for only a few hours.

3. You Might Need Stool Softeners

"Pooping can be a major problem post c-section, since it's tough to push when your abdomen is tender and sore," the Baby Bump shares. Taking stool softeners after having a caesarean section can help new moms eliminate feces without too much discomfort.

4. Coughing And Sneezing Might Hurt

Painful coughs and sneezes might be experienced by some mothers after having a cesarean section. "Using a small pillow or a folded towel, put gentle pressure on either side of the incision as you cough. This will help to lessen the discomfort," Cindy&Jana.com suggests.

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