A cesarean section is a type of childbirth that involves a surgical incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus. Whether you have been scheduled to deliver your baby via c-section or you are going to have an emergency one, learning about some of the biggest surprises about c-sections can help you prepare for the challenges ahead.
The Bump shares some of the biggest surprises about c-sections. Delivering a baby through cesarean section is a big challenge that can be overcome with proper preparation and adequate healthcare.
Consider hospital C-section rates when you're deciding where to have your baby https://t.co/6lZK8rAMFH #pregnancy pic.twitter.com/Lj5HnWpFMx
— Harvard Health (@HarvardHealth) April 24, 2016
1. Your Vagina Will Still Be Involved
If you thought your vagina will be free from any stress during your c-section, think again. A nurse will have to rinse your vagina and clean up the blood that will leak out after the surgery. The nurse will also have to insert a urinary catheter before the cesarean section surgery.
2. Your Body Will Experience Shaking
One of the biggest surprises about c-sections is the involuntary body shaking and vibrations after receiving a spinal. However, this lasts for only a few hours.
3. You Might Need Stool Softeners
"Pooping can be a major problem post c-section, since it's tough to push when your abdomen is tender and sore," the Baby Bump shares. Taking stool softeners after having a caesarean section can help new moms eliminate feces without too much discomfort.
4. Coughing And Sneezing Might Hurt
Painful coughs and sneezes might be experienced by some mothers after having a cesarean section. "Using a small pillow or a folded towel, put gentle pressure on either side of the incision as you cough. This will help to lessen the discomfort," Cindy&Jana.com suggests.