The different forms of media such as television, radio, the internet and social media can have a harmful effect on teenagers' behavior, body image and perception on sex and violence. Learning some tips to prevent the dangerous media influence on teens can make a big difference in their personality, attitude and behavior.
1. Monitor Their Media Exposure
Many parents make the mistake of not getting too involved in what their kids do with their electronic gadget, laptop or television. Parents who monitor what their kids watch, read or listen to are more likely to protect them from the harmful media influence on teens.
2. Do Not Be Judgmental
Another mistake is to overreact to what your child is consuming from the media. Teens usually withdraw if their parents are too judgmental.
How does social media influence teens' view on politics? You may be surprised.
— Stephanie Butzer (@HPEStephanie) March 22, 2016
3. Set Some Limits
One of the most effective ways to minimize the harmful media influence on teens is to set some rules and limitations. Just make sure to negotiate with your teens on these rules in order to make them feel involved in the decision-making process.
4. Discuss The Media's Messages, Themes & Purpose
"The best way to help your child navigate media influences is to talk about the messages," Raising Children explains. "For example, if your child loves 'Girls,' you could talk together about female friendships, sexuality, self-esteem and life choices."
5. Be A Good Role Model
Another way to prevent harmful media influence on teens is to be a good role model to them. If you and your spouse love to consume or get influenced by violent and sexual media content, then your child will be easily influenced as well. "The best way to raise happy, healthy, successful and self-confident children is to model these behaviors in your own actions," She Knows shares.