Margot Robbie Opened Up About 'Awkward' Love Scene With Leonardo Di Caprio, Australian Actress' First Tough To Film

Leonardo Di Caprio's sex scene with Margot Robbie in "The Wolf of Wall Street" was not exactly easy. The sex scene being Margot's first ever, was very awkward.

Margot Robbie opened up about her sex scene with Leonardo Di Caprio. The actress went on to reveal that it was the first time that she had fully stripped down on screen.

"I hadn't done a proper sex scene before," she told Vanity Fair. "I'd done scenes where it's leading into sex or sex had just finished, but I hadn't done a start-to-finish sex scenes like I did in Wolf. That was my first."

The 26-year-old actress said that she had filmed a shower scene earlier while working on an Australian film. But it was nothing when compared to the level of nudity in Wolf.

"I was practically naked there," the actress told. "But it wasn't anywhere as much as in Wolf."

The actress from Australia said that the most awkward part was having "tons of people" watching as the shooting happened.

The actress revealed that she said to herself that there is no other option than to film the scene. "It's just like, this is what you need to do - get on with it. The sooner you do it, the sooner you can stop doing it."

The scene in the film was impressive though despite the awkward situation that the actress faced. Currently, Margot is one of Hollywood's most sought after leading ladies. She already bagged roles in this summer's "Suicide Squad" and "The Legend of Tarzan."

The actress also learned how to deal with fame and success. She told that in Australia there is a thing called tall-poppy syndrome.

"Poppies are tall flowers, but they don't grow taller than the rest of the flowers, so there's a mentality in Australia where people are really for you to do well; you just can't do better than anyone else or they will cut you down to size," she said.

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