'BoJack Horseman' Season 4 Release Date News & Update: Will Arnett Netflix Series Uses Oscars To Illustrate Hope Despite Fleeting Happiness?

Original Netflix offering, "BoJack Horseman" Season 4, from creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg with star Will Arnett in the title role, will continue tackling the issue of constantly chasing fleeting happiness. In "BoJack Horseman" Season 3, Will Arnett saw his character go into the Oscar race resulting from interest by Raphael Bob-Waksberg in the lure of awards among celebrities.

SCPR reports that in an interview with The Frame, Raphael Bob-Waksberg explained that "BoJack Horseman" Season 3 taking on the Oscar awards theme comes from a fascination for what awards races do to the people involved. As "BoJack Horseman" Season 3 illustrated, it's easy for those around the awards candidates to forget that these celebrities are people.

"It terrifies me the way we treat these human beings and thrust them into the spotlight and say, 'dance for us and we will throw gold at you,'" Raphael Bob-Waksberg explained. In the past, the "BoJack Horseman" series took the stance that momentary happiness and the fulfillment that comes from such occasions as award shows don't really hold much weight.

However, when Raphael Bob-Waksberg and his team won the Critics Choice Award for "BoJack Horseman," the Netflix series creator evolved the show to explore the sense in people of needing affirmation. Although being free of such need does make for a healthier psychology, Raphael Bob-Waksberg allowed for "BoJack Horseman" Season 3 to explore hinging one's happiness to a momentary occasion.

In doing so, Raphael Bob-Waksberg enabled followers of the Netflix series to derive a sense of hope from "Bojack Horseman" Season 3. That one should not be paralyzed by the eventuality of sadness to be able to appreciate a moment of happiness, as BoJack Horseman learned from the Oscar awards race.

"BoJack Horseman" is not only known for cleverly presented learnings. At the same time, as fans of the Netflix series would attest, "BoJack Horseman" is also known for its biting, abundant, often irreverent sense of humor.

Fans may safely expect the same in "BoJack Horseman" Season 4. According to Raphael Bob-Waksberg, while the Netflix series deems no subject too sacred for "BoJack Horseman" treatment, they do consider people who may feel hurt by the jokes and if delivering the jokes is worth the risk they entail.

Netflix is expected to release "BoJack Horseman" Season 4 in the summer of 2017. What issue do you hope for "BoJack Horseman" Season 4 to tackle in the Netflix series?

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