'The Flash' Season 3 Latest News, Air Date & Update: Flash and Kid Flash Will Rule New Flashpoint; Barry Forgets His Past

Fans are already confident that "The Flash" Season 3 will begin a new chapter this fall. But despite this revelation, the Scarlet Speedster still has a handful of surprises in store for Flashpoint.

After a couple of promotional trailers and a ton of what if's from their avid followers, Season 2 of CW's "The Flash" ended with Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) saving his mom from the grasps of the Reverse Flash, which in turn disturbed reality. In the DC Universe, this is known to be "Flashpoint," an alternative world caused by Barry's decision.

Gustin was quick to reveal several key details back in June that "The Flash" Season 3 will indeed be Flashpoint. He took to Twitter and said that they're "definitely doing this FP thing our own way." Its Comic Con trailer, on the other hand, teased what's in store for Season 3, including Allen's alter-ego, Kid Flash, aka Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale).

According to Cheatsheet, part of "The Flash" Season 2's ender was when Wally was hit "by a speed force", and had sparked rumors that he will be the hero on Barry's rippled timeline. They also released a photo of both speedsters face to face.

Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg meanwhile said in "The Flash" Season 3, Barry will question his new reality, especially now that he knows Wally has powers. "Barry still has powers," he said. "One of the themes (of this season) is what does it mean to have power."

"Powers grow. That's what they do," Kreisberg pointed in an interview while explaining that fans need not worry about their favorite characters in "The Flash" Season 3. He particularly mentioned Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) who, at Flashpoint is the richest man in Central City.

Season 3 of "The Flash" will also see the return of Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), as reported by Entertainment Weekly last May, although his character is still in question. In addition, Jesse, who was with Wally during the speed force accident, will reprise her role, but there's no word if she is to remain normal or as a metahuman.

There's also word that a mysterious "black-suited speedster" will invade the set of "The Flash" Season 3, as well as Harry Potter's Tom Felton as Central City Police Department CSI Julian Dorn. Jay Garrick of Earth-3 will likewise suit up for Season 3, alongside super-ape Grodd and of course, crossovers from the likes of Supergirl, Arrow, The White Canary and more.

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