‘Pokémon GO’ Guide, Tips & Tricks: Beat Dragonite With These Best Pokémon Counters

Dragonite is one of the hardest Pokémon to defeat in "Pokémon GO." However, there are monsters that can effectively fight and beat the Pokémon.

Dragonite is a Dragon/Flying-Type Pokémon that evolved from Dragonair, which then came from Dratini. Its maximum CP, or Combat Points, is 3500.06, while its base attack is 250, base defense is 212, and base stamina is 182, Ranked Boost listed.

Dragonite's spawn locations are golf courses, landmarks, and places of interest. The Pokémon is strongest against Grass, Bug, Fire, Ground, Fighting, and Water-Types. It is weak against Fairy, Dragon, Ice, and Rock-Types.

Lapras, which has a maximum CP of 2980.73, is the best Ice-Type Pokémon to counter Dragonite. According to Pokémon GO Hub, Lapras' Ice Shard/Ice Beam or Ice Shard/Blizzard move sets can effectively beat even a Dragonite that's nearly 1000 CP stronger than it.

Lapras' Ice Shard move can inflict 13.39 DPS (damage per second) with STAB bonus, while the Ice Beam move inflicts 22.26 DPS with STAB, Ranked Boost indicated. The Blizzard move has 32.05 DPS with STAB.

Other Ice-Type Pokémon that can beat Dragonite in "Pokémon GO" are Cloyster and Dewgong using their Frost Breath and Blizzard moves. Cloyster's Frost Breath and Blizzard moves can inflict 13.89 DPS with STAB and 32.05 DPS with STAB, respectively. Dewgong's Frost Breath and Blizzard moves, on the other hand, has 13.89 DPS with STAB and 32.05 DPS with STAB, respectively.

Pokémon GO Hub noted that both Cloyster and Dewgong have low stats and low maximum CP (2052.85 and 2145.77, respectively) compared to Dragonite. To beat Dragonite, players must know how to dodge perfectly and how to utilize it.

Aside from Ice-Type Pokémon, Dragonite can also be defeated using a stronger Dragonite with the Dragon Breath/Dragon Claw move sets. Wigglytuff, a Fairy-Type Pokémon, is also capable of beating Dragonite. Wigglytuff's Pound/Play Rough moves are the most effective when it comes to battling Dragonite, though the latter's Steel Wing will have a huge impact on the Pokémon.

Gyarados can bring down a Dragonite as well. Use Gyarados' Dragon Breath/Hydro Pump moves for this.

Dragonite fights its opponents using Dragon Breath (15 DPS with STAB) and Steel Wing (11.28 DPS with STAB), its Quick moves. Its Charge moves are Dragon Claw (27.34 DPS with STAB), Dragon Pulse (22.57 DPS with STAB), and Hyper Beam (24.00 DPS with STAB), Ranked Boost listed.

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