‘Pokémon GO’ New Nest Migration Confirmed: Niantic Dramatically Randomizes Spawn Locations

Players are reporting about the third spawn nest migration in "Pokémon GO." This time, Niantic completely randomized the game's spawn system, particularly the nest locations.

According to Forbes, the rarity of the spawn system wasn't changed, but players have now lost the capacity to predict what spawn nests have changed into. To know the changes, "Pokémon GO" users must venture outside and look for the new spawn locations.

Reports from "Pokémon GO" players all over the world claimed that a Charmander nest now spawns Abra, Diglett, Ponyta, Nidoran, Magmar, Jynx, and Squirtle. An Electabuzz nest now contains Cubone, Jigglypuff, Onix, Pinsir, Polywag, Shellder, and also Squirtle, Pokémon GO Hub listed.

A Bulbasaur nest now spawns Bellsprout, Shellder, and Nidoran (F), while Doduo's now spawns Cubone, Ekans, Machop, and Poliwag. Growlithe's nest has changed into Diglett, Golbat, Magmar, Sandshrew, and Staryu. Jynx's nest now contains Eevee, Charmander, and Onix spawns.

Pikachu can still be found in its old spawn location, but the Pokémon's nests now spawn Nidoran (M), Kabuto, Magmar, Oddish, Scyther, and Voltorb as well. Jigglypuff nests changed into Exeggcute, Magmar, and Psyduck.

Vulpix's nest now contains Seel and Ponyta. Tentacool's nest has changed into Onix and Omanyte's spawn locations. For the complete list of nest migrations, go to Pokémon GO Hub's report.

According to Reddit's The Silph Road thread, Charmander's nest is the most common confirmed spawn location post-migration. Also, there have been nearly 3,000 brand new nests in the first 24 hours after the spawn location changes were applied by Niantic.

The spawn nests of common Pokémon, however, stayed put. Those may include Drowzee, Rattata, Spearow, and Zubat, but the new spawns of Pokémon that are above that base tier have been randomized. As of this writing, nest changes are still coming in.

Nest migrations are a great way for "Pokémon GO" players to catch more Pokémon locally, Game Rant pointed out. Users can expand their Pokédex without the need to travel around the world, especially now that Niantic confirmed that region-specific Pokémon (Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, Mr. Mime, and Tauros) can only be hatched from Eggs that are in their natural habitat, Parent Herald previously reported.

The nest changes in "Pokémon GO," however, can be a source of frustration for some players. Several nests that once contained rare or elusive Pokémon now have more common monster variations.

Niantic changing the spawn system is also a way to keep the "Pokémon GO" experience fresh. According to Game Rant, 79 percent of paying users have dropped the game since it rolled out in July.

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