Marvel’s ‘The Punisher’ on Netflix Introduces New Cast Members

Netflix's soon-to-be-released Marvel superhero TV series, "The Punisher," introduces new cast members to play the supporting roles of Micro, Bill Russo, and Dinah Madani, alongside Frank Castle.

"The Punisher" is one of Netflix's most anticipated series, and while the show is yet to have a confirmed release date, fans are eager to learn more about Frank Castle and his team, and the villains he will soon bring to justice.

Recently, it was revealed that Ebon Moss- Bachrach, Amber Rose Revah, and Ben Barnes will be part of the main cast, along with Jon Bernthal in "The Punisher." According to Entertainment Weekly, Ebon Moss- Bachrach, who played Desi on HBO's "Girls," will take on the role of Micro, the brilliant former NSA analyst and weapons specialist of Frank Castle in "The Punisher" comic books. Micro serves as The Punisher's eyes and ears, while working from their home base.

Amber Rose Revah, from "Son of God," will play the part of Dinah Madani, the highly trained Homeland Security agent that is vexed by Frank Castle, and could possibly track down his vigilante activities and works to put an end to them.

The most high-profile member of the supporting cast, is Ben Barnes, who played Prince Caspian in the "The Chronicles of Narnia," and will be part of "The Punisher" cast as Bill Russo, Frank Castle's best friend from his days in the Special Forces. Barnes might play a more significant role in the future of the series, as Russo soon turns into Jigsaw, one of Frank Castle's biggest enemies.

Executive producer and show runner for "The Punisher," Steven Lightfoot, says that he is excited to see Barnes, Revah, and Moss- Bacharach breath life into their roles, as they continue to craft the story of the series, according to Screen Rant.

"The Punisher" is expected to premier in late 2017 or early 2018, exclusively on Netflix.

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