'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' Latest News And Updates: Final Trailer Is Released And It Looks A Bit Different?

The final trailer of" Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" was released by Disney recently. It is definitely thrilling to watch but it seems like the trailer hints at a different kind of Star Wars movie.

The movie is set before the events that transpired in "Star Wars: Episode IV." In "Rogue One", rebel fighters unite to complete their mission of stealing the plans for Death Star which is the Empire's weapon of mass destruction.

As described by The New York Times, the early part of "Rogue One" trailer shows the father of Jyn Erso telling his daughter that all the things he does is for protecting her. Eventually it will unfold that one of those things include making the Death Star. Given this, it is easy to see that the movie will feature the story between a father and his daughter just like in the previous movies.

The trailer seems to follow the original plot but there seems to be some changes involved. For one, Jyn Erso of "Rogue One" is portrayed as less disruptive and angsty than her previous advertisements in earlier trailers, as pointed out by Mashable. In the latest trailer, she is portrayed as a team-player and a daughter who is determined to save her father.

Jyn Erso is not only portrayed a bit differently in the "Rogue One" trailer but also given less spotlight than people would expect. However, this is not entirely new. In fact, it's becoming a new trend.

There is more in store for the fans aside from Jyn Erso and the Death Star. "Rogue One" trailer also shows a lot of explosions, blaster battles, new faces, and a stunning background. The music is superb as well as it rises up when the action scenes pop up.

There may be new tweaks that the trailer has shown but everything only adds up to the excitement of the movie's release. The fans are expecting that "Rogue One" will be epic just like the previous movies before.

"Rogue One" is directed by Gareth Edwards. It is expected to be released in theaters this coming December 16.

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