'Friday The 13th: The Game' Latest News Update, Release Date: Gun Media & Illfonic Makes Game More Exciting; Find Out How!

The latest addition to the classic slasher franchise, "Friday The 13th: The Game," may have been delayed to 2017, but its creators over Gun Media and Illfonic are making sure it will be the best horror game there is. The title's motion captain Kane Hodder, assured "Friday The 13th: The Game" fanatics that the game will be worth the wait.

In a video reported by Fan Sided, the lead motion designer and legendary "Friday The 13th" creator said that the team is currently working on making the game "much more violent" as they add more killing skills for the psychopath killer, Jason Voorhees. However, Hodder noted that all these will be seen in the witness player of "Friday The 13th: The Game."

Hodder quipped that he was glad that they are making the game as gory as possible because he personally loves hardcore games like "Friday The 13th: The Game." He added that fans will also love the team's add-ons, one of the reasons that the horror title's released has been pushed.

Early in October, Parent Herald reported that "Friday The 13th: The Game" has been touted as one of the most violent--if not the most violent--video games ever made. Creators at Gun Media and Illfonic specifically made the game excessively gory primarily because, according to them, it was what the fans wanted. Moreover, it would not truly be "Friday The 13th" without the violence, nudity and gore.

Franchise creator, Sean Cunningham, told Game Spot that they are not planning to compromise the elements that made "Friday The 13th" such as big hit. If fans liked what they saw in the original outputs of "Friday The 13th" and patronized it for years, then they are interested in giving what they truly want.

The horror movie-based game will be released in the summer of 2017, Parent Herald says in a separate report. The creators added the much-requested game mode, the single player, and will be launching a beta version of "Friday The 13th: The Game" next year. Its beta version will be shareable for up to four users.

Are you excited for the upcoming vile slasher game, "Friday the 13th: The Game"? Let us know what you think by commenting below!

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