"Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood" season 3 finally ends with the airing of the second part of the reunion. It won't be "Love And Hip Hop" if there's no drama. In our recap of the reunion part 2, we see Masika and Hazel E face off, Sarafee's accent takes the spotlight, WIllie and Kyeisha tries to clear the air, and Moniece Slaughter shocks everyone with an allegation that someone in the cast has a child with their mistress. Read on for the recap!
Get ready for a DRAMA filled PT. 2 of the #LHHReunion RIGHT NOW! pic.twitter.com/vdMJof2tRI
— Love & Hip Hop (@LoveHipHopVH1) November 15, 2016
Last time on "Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood", allegations that her daughter is not really baby daddy, Fetty Wap's child made by Hazel E, got Masika angry. Just as we think "LHHH" was going to move on, Hazel E arrives on stage too.
Masika refuses to sit on stage if Hazel E was around and tries to walk out. Nina Parker gets everyone tp settle down with Masika, prevented from leaving, sits on the front row with the audience. Hazel E says she made the allegations because she was just trying to defend herself. Masika had said something bad to her, so what you gonna do but retaliate? Masika screams "That's not Fetty on your song and you know it". As the argument gets more heated, Masika eventually gets up and walks out.
Moving on, Nina steers the "Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood" season 3 reunion part 2, towards the drama between, Safaree, Nikki Baby, and Rosa. Nina Parker asks Safaree about getting flak for his accent from fans. Safaree defends himself calling those hater-fans stupid. Nina Parker then asks what Rosa thinks of Safaree's accent and the new member of "LHHH" snidely comments she can't turn on and off her accent like Safaree does. Safaree gets angry and calls Rosa fake.
Rosa fires back calling Safaree cheap. All the while, Nikki Baby stays silent while her two lovers try to bite the head of each other. "Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood" season 3 reunion part 2 continues with more drama regarding Shanda, Willie, and Kyiesha. Willie denies he had a thirteen-year relationship with Kyiesha and says he should have told Shanda the truth.
The alleged woman, Kyiesha, comes out and Willie immediately starts off on Kyiesha. Willie, during a heated argument in the "LHHH" reunion, asks "Where we ever in love"? Kyiesha then fires back saying they were together on and off for thirteen years and angrily fires back that she took care of Willie when he was nothing.
"Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood" cast member Shanda then says she believes there was no thirteen-year relationship for Kyiesha and her husband Willie but believes it could have been a one-night thing going on between them. Nina Parker asks the couple if they were getting back together which "LHHH" cast Willie answers no but he wants to.
Shanda says she needs to heal but Willie and her are working to get their marriage fixed. She confirms that Willie is a good father and she still loves him regardless of his sordid history and for the sake of the children, Shanda hopes they can fix it.
Find out what's got @iamsafaree's jaw dropping at the #LHHReunion TONIGHT at 8/7c! pic.twitter.com/ugE1LIBqYO — Love & Hip Hop (@LoveHipHopVH1) November 15, 2016
Moniece Slaughter then butts in saying someone in the cast has an outside child. Well that kept the rest of the "Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood" season 3 cast members quiet. Moniece is allegedly talking about Max Lux. This might be her way to get back at Brandi and it sure made Max and Brandi uncomfortable. So it's true then? Fans of "LHHH" thinks so too as Brandi and Max keeps avoiding looking on the cameras.
The "Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood" reunion continues with the mother beef drama regarding A1 and Lyrica G. It has always been their respective mothers who are the bane of their relationship. The "LHHH" couple decides to elope and be together away from the drama from their mothers. Lyrica G says she's a grown woman and her mother should let her be.
"Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood" season 3 reunion gets all serious and emotional when the reunion turns to Teairra's impending case with an Uber driver. The troubled "LHHH" star says her talk with NIkki Baby regarding her brother has been a wake-up call.
Teairra adds that she's trying to deal with her alcohol problem but has not gotten professional help yet. Teairra's alcohol problem got her in the mess with the Uber driver. The "Love And Hip Hop: Hollywood" cast member tears up talking about the case and the looming possible jail time for her.
This ends the "Love And Hip Hop" season 3 reunion. Are you watching the show? Do you think it will be back for a fourth season? Share your thoughts on the comments below.