Donald Trump’s Victory Against Hillary Clinton The Dirtiest US Election Ever?; American Political History Says “No”

Americans might still be contemplating on the conclusion of the latest elections that left the world shocked. This was a known xenophobic, racist, and misogynic Republican Donald J. Trump won the political bidding beating a political veteran, Hillary Clinton. As a result, many people are starting to speculate that it is the dirtiest polling ever in the history of the United States. However, history itself thinks otherwise.

Despite being looked-up as the stronghold and model of "democratic process", the American political history has never been free of political controversies - particularly of those electoral related since its founding as a republic. Hence, outrageous slur during elections has been considered as fair.

We can begin by adducing the early years of the USA when Thomas Jefferson rivaled John Adams. The latter accused Jefferson of being "a Godless libertine in thrall to the French".

To be accused as such during that time was unimaginable. Another was the racist accusation thrown towards (1928 elections) Herbert Hoover by his opponent.

Al Smith accused the late president of being a puppet of the Vatican due to his Catholic background. The tirade even extended to Hoovers Irish wife who would make the White House smell like "corned beef" if become the first lady.

According to Express, not even the respected president (1860 elections), Abraham Lincoln would escape what seems to be an electoral practice of American presidential candidates. During the campaigning, Lincoln's rival Stephen Douglas would describe the would-be-president as "horridloking wretch, sooty and scoundrel in aspect".

Furthermore, the contradiction between the popular vote and the electoral college is nothing more controversial during John Kennedy-Richard Nixon competition to the White House. Nixon won by popular vote (26-22), but lost in the college with only 219-303 due to an electoral sabotage done by Kennedy's scheme says The Guardian.

More than 50 years later, many commentators believe US system is already broken. Yet they forgot that it has been thought broken and remain even up to this date.

Do you believe that the last elections was the dirtiest? Share your thoughts below.

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