Just days after the official release of Ubisoft's much-awaited game "Watch Dogs 2" in PS4 and Xbox One, a player had his PlayStation Network account temporarily banned for sharing in-game nudity. The ban came due to the player's violation of PlayStation Network's code of conduct.
According to IGN, the banned player was a UK QA tester named Adam. He shared the explicit content from "Watch Dogs 2" by using the PlayStation 4's share feature to screengrab the frontal nudity on twitter after accidentally knocking out a female NPC.
Adam later received a message from Sony regarding his "Watch Dogs 2" activity, stating that his PlayStation Network account has been suspended. The email stated that sharing adult or sexual content is against the PlayStation Network's Code of Conduct and that the suspension of his account will last for a week.
Ubisoft is sorry for, and promises to remove, Watch Dogs 2's "explicit" female genitalia. https://t.co/AEsbRcNxuo pic.twitter.com/wLZrJv9JK8
— PC Gamer (@pcgamer) November 16, 2016
Digitaltrends also reported that other players have done the same, even going as far as taking videos of in-game nudity. Whether Sony will suspend the Playstation Network account of others players for also sharing "Watch Dogs 2" nudity is still unknown.
Meanwhile, Forbes reported that both Sony and Ubisoft responded to the news, saying that Ubisoft will respond to resolve the issue in the next patch of "Watch Dogs 2," while Sony was only aware of one nude character. Despite Sony's statement, Kotaku also shared another NPC that's full nude, this time a male.
While suspended, Adam will not be able to use the PlayStation Network's features like access online multiplayer, browsing and buying from the Playstation Store, and using other network features. Sony also warned Adam that further violation of the Code of Conduct may mean longer suspension or even a permanent ban from the network.
Before launch, the seamless multiplayer feature of "Watch Dogs 2" was disabled for persistent lagging and crashing of the game. This means the game's Bounty-Hunter mode and other features involving random players will be disabled. While multiplayer features are still disabled indefinitely, players can still play co-op mode with others by inviting them join their game.