"Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" will be released soon as gamers are excitedly waiting to get their hands on a copy. However, there are major differences between the two, according to reviews. The game is targeted for a November 2016 release.
Among the differences between the "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" are time zone difference, different legendary Pokémon, and an exclusive version-only Pokémon sets. According to Kotaku, the "Pokémon Sun" version will follow the Nintendo 3DS system's real-time schedule.
This means that the when the device's time is set in the morning, the "Pokémon Sun" game setting will be morning as well. When it is evening, the game's setting gets dark too.
In contrast, the "Pokémon Moon" version will be 12 hours different from the Nintendo 3DS. When it is morning, it will be evening in the game. When it's night, that's when it is bright and morning in the game.
Of course, this time difference will influence some of the "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" game events. However, the time difference will not heavily affect the game's main story.
In terms of Legendary Pokémon, the "Pokémon Sun" version will have a different Legendary Pokémon from that of the "Pokémon Moon" version, which appears on the cover art of the two games. In the "Pokémon Sun" version, the Legendary Pokémon will be Solgaleo, a large, lion-like Pokémon that shines when active and has a mane that resembles the sun.
Solgaleo's signature move is an attack called "Sunsteel Strike," where Solgaleo charges towards an opponent while completely disregarding the opponent's ability. Solgaleo's ability is a never-before seen ability in the Pokémon universe called "Full Metal Body" where a Pokémon's stat cannot be lowered by an opponent's move or ability.
As for the Legendary Pokémon for the "Pokémon Moon" version, it will be the bat-like Lunala who constantly absorbs light and turns it into energy through its wings, which resembles an evening night sky. Lulana's signature move is called "moongeist Beam Attack" which releases a beam of gloomy light that neglects the opponent's ability.
They are HERE! #PokemonSunMoon are now OFFICIALLY available in the United States and North America! RT! pic.twitter.com/wNf4j3nW6l
— Pokémon Sun and Moon (@PokeSunMoon) November 18, 2016
Laluna also gets a new Ability that has never been seen in any Pokémon game. The Legendary Pokémon in the "Pokémon Moon" version has a "Shadow shield" ability will allow Laluna to take less damage from opponents when its health is full.
Like previous Pokémon games, the "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" will be having an exclusive version-only Pokémon set. The "Pokémon Sun" version will include UB-02 Absorption, Lycanroc, Turtonator, Passimiam, Vulpix, and Ninetails. While the "Pokémon Moon" version will have UB-02 Beauty, Lycanroc, Drampa, Oranguru, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Beldum, Metang, and Metagross.
Lastly, Polygon reports that there will be a difference in the island challenge trials of the "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon," but it will not affect the game's overall story. The Island challenge trials will replace the gym trials from previous Pokémon versions.
According to PC Advisor, Nintendo has confirmed a Nov 23 release date for the "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" as a 3DS exclusive. Which version are you buying, the "Pokémon Sun" or "Pokémon Moon" version?