"Pokemon Sun and Moon" has already broken sales records and surpassed the sales performance of previous "Pokemon" games only days after the launch. Could the hype be due to "Pokemon GO" phenomena?
According to Techcrunch, "Pokemon Sun and Moon" has already shipped over 10 million units globally, beating "Pokemon X and Y" sales by a large margin of 150 percent. Because of this, "Pokemon Sun and Moon" will become one of the best 3DS games in the console's short history.
Pokémon Sun and Moon break 3DS records with 10M units shipped globally https://t.co/zo1OFwyBuT #GlobalTechnocrat
— Global Technocrat (@GlobalTechXpert) November 19, 2016
The Forbes also reported that the 10 million figure represent stock delivered to retailers and not actual units sold. But the data still shows how "Pokemon Sun and Moon" has received positive response from the game market to have so many orders.
Also cited in the report is Nainatic's hit mobile game "Pokemon GO" for return of the "Pokemon Sun and Moon" franchise's hype. However, the report also mentioned that while more people have been attracted to "Pokemon" because of "Pokemon GO," a large number of "Pokemon GO" players don't really have a strong interest on the main story of the franchise.
Nainatic's augmented reality mobile game "Pokemon GO" uses geolocation and camera to allow users to "catch" Pokémon from certain real-world locations. Because of the hype "Pokemon Go" created, it helped introduce new fans and even reintroduce old fans back to the Pokemon franchise, including the newly released "Pokemon Sun and Moon."
Another possible reason for the surge of interest in the "Pokemon Sun and Moon," according to the Forbes report, is due to Nintendo's constant update of the game through social media and the Internet in general, letting Pokemon fans know the the developments of "Sun and Mon" before it launched.
Reports of a third version release of "Sun and Moon" have come up. The game, currently code-named "Pokemon Stars," will be released next year for the Nintendo Switch and will make use of the Switch's hardware.