‘Pokemon Sun And Moon’ Guide, Tips: Catch All Ultra Beasts In Simple, Easy Steps!

"Pokemon Sun and Moon" Ultra Beasts are believed to be extra-dimensional Pokemon creatures that are hard to fight and find. So, here is a compilation of tips and guide to help players complete them easily.

"Pokemon Sun and Moon" players will receive 10 Beast Balls for every mission that will tell where Ultra Beasts can be found, BGR reported. The first Ultra Beast is called Nihilego which can be found on Route 8.

"Pokemon Sun and Moon" players will be approached by Looker to say that there is a jellyfish-looking entity spotted in Wela Volcano and Diglett's Tunnel. Nihilego randomly appears in the said locations so players will need to do some digging.

The second Ultra Beast is Buzzwole or Pheromosa which will depend on the player's version of the game. For "Pokemon Sun" players, Looker will ask to catch two Buzzholes in Melemele Meadow while "Pokemon Moon" players will be tasked to capture four Pheremosa in Verdant Cavern.

The third Ultra Beast Xurkitree can be found at Memorial Hill and Lush Jungle but players should first defeat Trial Captain Mina on Route 8 for her to reveal Xurkitree's location. The next Ultra Beast to catch is Kartana or Celesteela depending on the player's game again.

"Pokemon Sun" players will be tasked to capture four Kartana on Route 17 while "Pokemon Moon" players should catch two Celesteela in Haina Desert and Malie Garden. The last Ultra Beast is Guzzlord which can be located in Poni Island situated near Seafolk Village.

"Pokemon Sun and Moon" players will be challenged to a battle by Nanu before he reveals Guzzlord's location. Guzzlord is just hiding inside the basement of Resolution Cave.

"Pokemon Sun and Moon" players will also be given the chance to catch a legendary Pokemon called Necrozma once all Ultra Beasts are collected. Necrozma can be found at the Farthest Hollow on Ten Carat Hill and can be captured using Pokeballs instead of Beast Balls.

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