'Girls' Review: Film An Example Of A Half-Hour Feminist Show?

Many fans and viewers consider “Girls” as a feminist show. However, critics think that HBO is trapping women into a half-hour show that falsely represents feminism, and some agree.

First stop, the show is about five young women and how they live their lives in New York City. It’s a show created by Lena Dunham, one of the most vocal feminists today.

However, some consider that the length and content of “Girls” and even “Veep” creates gender disparity. Why is this the case then?

The reason could be that most of the serious shows by HBO still have male leads. Those shows that are comedy and are relatable are then passed to female lead stars, as reported by Fusion.

So, is HBO feminist and supports women in the industry? Well, there are still a lot of things to consider before addressing the issue.

Some consider that this could also be the fault of Lena Dunham, the creator of “Girls.” According to one critic, Dunham’s one obvious flaw in the show is the lack of casting for non-white females. True enough, the lead roles are all characterized by white females who are living the dream in a big city, The Guardian reports.

Another thing is that “Girls” also lacks the effort to support one another. It’s a strong indicator that the show still lives in an era where women are deemed incapable of helping other women.

It’s important to consider how the show reflects the relationship of women. This should come first before dwelling on the question of how HBO depicts women, right?

So, how will this trap or even maze be broken? Well, it’s clear that it should start from the creators and producers first. It’s evident that a day will come that “Girls” and other female-lead shows will use the term feminism to describe a TV show that focuses on females supporting both male and female characters.

So, do you agree about the show? Let us know what you think and sound your comments below.

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