A crowdfunding initiative has been launched via Kickstarter to help address parental alienation. Called Absent4u, the digital platform aims to become a portal to help with reconnection. It comes from the idea of project creator Neil Jones who said that he has experienced parental alienation himself.
According to his Kickstarter page, the plan is to create both a website and app for the Abset4u portal. Once built, it will be useful for people who have lost touch with key people in their lives, for whatever reasons.
The project creator sees that the portal will be of great use to fostered or adopted children, missing people and those in the military service. It can also be used by individuals suffering from illnesses, who might want to leave their digital footprint for their alienated loved-ones. It can also be helpful to people who might feel that contacting those they have lost touch with could be seen as intrusive, as in many cases of parental alienation.
What Is Parental Alienation And Why It Matters #parenting #ParentalAlienation #childdevelopment https://t.co/TO41Gr2ImX pic.twitter.com/HMcetmRntW
— InnerSelf.com (@InnerSelfcom) December 7, 2016
"I wanted to create a database whereby I could upload information about myself and my life over time," Neil Jones said, per Digital Journal. "So that when my daughters are ready, they can search for me and find out about me directly from the source - me," he added.
On Kickstarter, Neil Jones revealed in a video that he hasn't seen his daughter for two years because of parental alienation. He defines such as "one parent brainwashes the children from the other parent."
He clarifies that Absent4u is not a social media app. The database to be created for users will be secured and private. But once an individual desires to learn about another individual, she can have access to the records and potentially reconnect with each other.
The parental alienation app is still in the early stages of development, so some features aren't well-defined at this point. If the crowdfund becomes successful, however, the app will proceed with development and delivery by May 2017.